Local geology sites


Hover over a star on the map to get a label or click a star to get a link to its page in a pop-up. Click a link below to go straight to a page of information about the site.

Barr Beacon

Barrow Hill, Pensnett

Beacon Hill Quarry, Sedgley

Bumble Hole & Warrens Hall Local Nature Reserve

Cotwall End Nature Reserve

Holloway Street, Lower Gornal

Norton Covert

Portway Hill, Blue Rock Quarries

Red House Glass Cone

Rubery Cutting

Saltwells National Nature Reserve

Stafford Road cutting, Wolverhampton

Stourbridge Old Town Gasworks

Wren’s Nest National Nature Reserve

On some of the pages you will find ‘Matt’s Maps’. BCGS member Matthew Sutton has produced some excellent geological sections and articles for our newsletter and these are being incorporated into our webpages.