Programme of Events

The Black Country Geological Society’s indoor meetings are now held at The Lamp Tavern. The room is on the top floor and there is a lift. The address of The Lamp Tavern is 16 High Street, Dudley, DY1 1QT.

Unless otherwise stated, the indoor and Zoom meetings will normally open at 7.30 and lectures commence at 8.00.

Those wishing to attend field or geoconservation meetings please contact our Field Secretary (email address on the Contacts page).

Any non-members wishing to attend our virtual meetings should contact our Meetings Secretary for instructions (email address on the Contacts page).

Other contact details are also available on our Contact us page.

Updated 6 February 2025.

Members please check your email for any last minute changes.

Recordings of some of our virtual talks can be found on our YouTube channel.

Events in February–March 2025

  • 8 February (1 event)
    Geoconservation Day, Cotwall End Quarry, Dudley

    Geoconservation Day, Cotwall End Quarry, Dudley   10.00 - 2.30

    Saturday 8 February (Geoconservation Day): Cotwall End Quarry, Dudley. Parking/meet on Cotwall End Road, opposite house No. 61 (Grid ref: SO 906 919, nearest PC: DY3 3EJ). This is the closest access to the quarry. Meet for a 10.00 start. The area has had very little management over the last 25 years, but has some amazing features to unveil. The wardens are currently removing larger material to restore the area to grassland and encourage geological interest and biodiversity. Bring appropriate footwear and outdoor gear and a packed lunch. Wardens will provide tools. We will aim to end by 2.30.

    Click here for a Google map of the location.

  • 17 February (1 event)
    The Wuda flora: an earliest Permian tropical forest ecosystem preserved under volcanic ash

    The Wuda flora: an earliest Permian tropical forest ecosystem preserved under volcanic ash   7.30 -

    Monday 17 February (Indoor Meeting): 'The Wuda flora: an earliest Permian tropical forest ecosystem preserved under volcanic ash'. Speaker: Professor Jason Hilton (University of Birmingham).

    The Wuda floraThis talk will showcase an exceptional fossil flora preserved in exquisite detail under a blanket of volcanic ash at Wuda in Inner Mongolia (north China). Think of it as Pompeii without the Romans, but rather than stepping back in time a few thousand years in Mediterranean Italy, jump back 299 million years to the earliest Permian and a tropical forest ecosystem. The visually stunning fossils are preserved complete, in their life positions, and with exceptional preservation that records their morphology and, in some cases, cellular anatomy. So far more than 50,000 specimens have been identified and their distributions mapped from over 12,000 1x1 meter quadrats, recording the entire forest ecosystem. Detailed and time-consuming work continues to document new plant species, genera, and families, and interpreting their evolutionary and ecological significance. This remarkable fossil flora provides an unrivalled glimpse into the past and is revolutionising our understanding of Paleozoic peat- (and hence coal-) forming communities. It also provides key information on the persistence of wetland plants from the Carboniferous of Europe and America into the Permian of China, and the changing palaeoenvironmental conditions that led to the dramatic changes in global floral distributions through the Carboniferous-Permian transition.

    Jason HiltonBiography: Jason completed his BSc in Natural Environmental Sciences (Earth Sciences) from Sheffield University in 1992, then undertook his PhD at Cardiff University in Paleozoic palaeobotany. He worked at the National Museum of Wales (Cardiff), the Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing), the National Museums of Scotland (Edinburgh) before joining the University of Birmingham in 2003. His primary research focus is on fossil plants, investigating origin and systematic relationships of plant groups, changes in diversity through evolutionary radiation and extinctions events, and floral responses to intervals of profound environmental and climatic change through the fossil record. He teaches a range of courses in Earth Sciences spanning introductory fieldwork, stratigraphic principles, Earth history, resource geology, and palaeobiology.

    Click here for a Google map of the location.

  • 8 March (1 event)
    Geoconservation Day - Castle Hill Woods, Dudley

    Geoconservation Day - Castle Hill Woods, Dudley   10.00 - 2.30

    Saturday 8 March (Geoconservation Day): Castle Hill Woods, Dudley. Park and meet at the Dudley Visitor Hub car park, at the Visitor Hub building, adjacent to the Dudley Archive for a 10.00 start. Take Discovery Way from the A4037 to a roundabout and head straight on passing the zoo overflow car park on the left and the Living Museum car park on the right. Go straight on (grid ref: 394857,291080). The barrier should be lifted on the day. The day will be arranged through the Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust. Bring appropriate footwear and outdoor gear and a packed lunch. The WT staff will provide tools and tea/coffee. We will aim to finish between 2.00 and 3.00.

    Click here for a Google map of the location.

  • 17 March (1 event)
    Indoor Meeting - AGM followed by 'The Cascades Volcanoes of NW North America'. Speaker: Alan Clewlow

    Indoor Meeting - AGM followed by 'The Cascades Volcanoes of NW North America'. Speaker: Alan Clewlow   7.00 -

    Monday 17 March (Indoor Meeting, 7.00 for 7.30 start): AGM followed by 'The Cascades Volcanoes of NW North America'. Speaker: Alan Clewlow (BCGS Treasurer and acting Meetings Secretary, leader of 'Volcanic Experiences' geological tours).

    This talk will look at the plate tectonic situation in that region of the planet and how it has developed over time to create the currently active High Cascades range of Volcanoes, as well as earlier manifestations of volcanism. There will be an examination of the more recent geological history of the area, including the creation of the Columbia plateau basalts. The latter part of the talk will focus on the eruptive history of specific volcanoes in Washington and Oregon, including Mount St Helens, and the hazards they present.

    Alan studied for a Geology degree at UCL between 1969 and 1972. After graduation he took up a post working as a gemmologist in the London Chamber of Commerce Gem Testing Laboratory, in Hatton Garden, at the time the only official centre for the identification of gemstones and minerals in the UK. While there, he also started lecturing in gemmology at the City of London Polytechnic, eventually leading to a career change into full-time teaching. Most of his career was spent as a lecturer in Geography and Geology in the West Midlands, which also included 13 years as an OU lecturer on Geology courses. For the past 27 years he has also been leading escorted geological tours for adults to volcanic areas of the world, covering locations as far away as Hawaii, Latin America and New Zealand, as well as classic sites in Europe such as Sicily, Santorini and Iceland.

    Click here for a Google map of the location.
