Geoconservation Day, Saturday 3 October 2015
Doulton’s Claypit, Saltwells Nature Reserve.

Doulton’s Clay Pit, Saltwells LNR.
Photo by Andy Harrison.
Alan’s plans are to clear much more of the clay pit to expose the sandstone at the far end of the quarry and around the pool at the bottom. Our day involved clearing scrub and saplings from the slopes of the Coal Measures exposures, which had become overgrown again since our last visit. Alan pointed out that much work needs to be done within the cutting of the incline and at the Brewin’s Bridge Cutting. During our visit to this part of the site on the 40th anniversary field trip last July, it was noticeable how overgrown this had become, in particular the exposures of dolerite that are no longer visible. Given the sensitive nature of the Brewin’s Bridge Cutting it is hoped that we can return there this coming February to start clearance works. Doulton’s Clay Pit will require much clearance and ongoing maintenance to keep on top of it.