Programme of Events

Black Country Geological Society’s indoor meetings will be held during the winter months at the Abbey Room at the Dudley Archives, Tipton Road, Dudley, DY1 4SQ.

Unless otherwise stated, the Abbey Room and Zoom meetings will normally open at 7.30pm and lectures commence at 8.00pm.

Those wishing to attend field or geoconservation meetings please contact our Field Secretary (email address on the Contacts page).

Any non-members wishing to attend our virtual meetings should contact our Meetings Secretary for instructions (email address on the Contacts page).

Other contact details are also available on our Contact us page.

Updated 9 May 2024.

Members please check your email for any last minute changes.

Recordings of some of our virtual talks can be found on our YouTube channel.

Events in November–December 2022

  • 21 November (1 event)
    Bilston Stone Quarries - Digging up the Past

    Bilston Stone Quarries - Digging up the Past   7.30 -

    Monday 21 November (Indoor Meeting): 'Bilston Stone Quarries - Digging up the Past'. Speaker: Graham Hickman (President of the GA and member of BCGS). Graham wrote about his family connections to these quarries in December 2010 (Newsletter 204). Combining his genealogical and geological research, this talk will explore the geology where his ancestors dug a living for themselves alongside the historical documents and evidence they left behind.

    Graham writes: "As a small boy my father often told me about a sandstone quarry in Bilston that my great grandfather had owned. It was not until recently, however, that I managed to research the subject more fully. The quarry known as the 'Bilston Stone Quarries' had been worked from the late 17th century. It came into my family’s ownership in about 1830 and was operated by Job Hickman (1783 – 1855). He was the first of a line of my ancestors who worked the quarry for the next 4 generations.
    Graham Hickman
    Bilston Quarries


  • 12 December (1 event)
    Christmas Members' Evening

    Christmas Members' Evening   7.00 -

    Monday 12 December (Indoor Meeting, 7.00 for 7.30 start): Members' Evening and Christmas Social. This is our annual chance for members to share their geological experiences in a sociable atmosphere with a Christmas buffet provided by the Society.
