The Black Country Geological Society Constitution
- The title of the society shall be ‘The Black Country Geological Society’ hereinafter referred to as ‘the Society’.
- The Society shall exist to foster interest in geological sciences generally and particularly with regard to the area known as ‘The Black Country’ and its environs.
- The Society may appoint a President and Vice Presidents who may be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Society shall appoint the following officers to be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting:- (a) Chairman, (b) Vice Chairman, (c) Honorary Secretary, (d) Honorary Treasurer and any other officers that the Society shall deem necessary from time to time.
- More than one office may be vested in any one person if this is desirable.
- The Society shall be governed by a general committee comprising the Chairman, all the administrative officers and three other members who shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.
- The general committee shall have the power to co-opt any member as and when required provided that the total number of co-opted committee members shall not exceed two.
- The general committee shall have power to delegate any of its duties to sub-committees appointed by the committee from among the members of the general committee or co-opted members. All sub-committees shall be subservient to the general committee and their finances controlled by the general committee.
- No sub-section or sub-committee may be formed without the consent of the general committee.
- The general committee shall have the power to issue temporary orders or directives or make by-laws as shall be considered necessary for the good of the Society.
- Notwithstanding anything contained in Article 10 above where any order or directive or by-law shall affect or be contrary to any article of the constitution, then that order or directive must be ratified by a Special General Meeting before being implemented.
- Extra-ordinary General Meetings may be called at the request of six or more members on written notice being given to the Hon. Secretary. Such meetings to be held within 28 days from the date upon which notice was given.
- The financial year of the Society shall run from 1st January to 31st December.
- A professional accountant or suitably qualified person shall be appointed Hon. Auditor at the Annual General Meeting each year.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held as soon as possible after 31st December but no later than the last day of April.
- A quorum at any general meeting, annual or otherwise, shall be a total of ten members including officers.
- Every member shall be notified at least seven days before the date on which any general meeting, annual or otherwise, is to be held.
- The election of members shall be vested solely in the general committee.
- There shall be five categories of membership:-
(a) Individual – available to people aged 18 and over
(b) Student – available to people aged under 18 and full time students of any age
(c) Family – available to all members to include their partners and children aged under 18
(d) Group – available to companies and organisations approved by the general committee
(e) Honorary – free membership available to anyone approved by the general committee and specifically to include membership for the day for all leaders, speakers and visitors to any Society event
- All applications for membership shall be proposed and seconded by a member of the Society and submitted to the Hon. Secretary for consideration at the next general committee meeting.
- The general committee reserves the right to refuse membership to any person or institution or withdraw membership already granted if such action is deemed necessary for the general well being of the Society.
- Any person or member who is refused membership may require the general committee to bring the matter before the next Annual General Meeting of the Society and the decision of the committee may be altered by a two-thirds majority of members present at the meeting.
- All subscriptions and entrance fees become due on granting of membership and on 1st January next, following and annually thereafter.
- The Society is a not-for-profit society.
- Only the following persons shall be entitled to vote at general meetings of the Society:-
(a) Individual members – all persons
(b) Student members – all persons aged 14 and over
(c) Family members – all persons aged 18 and over
(d) Group members – one nominated representative from each body
(e) Honorary members – no vote
- Voting at general meetings and committee meetings shall be by show of hands except where nominations for elections exceed the vacancies when the voting shall be by ballot.
- The committee shall have the power to levy a special fee or charge on all persons attending society functions or events. Prior notice of such action shall be given to all members.
- Members shall be allowed to introduce their guests as visitors to any society function or event provided the Hon. Secretary has been notified beforehand or on arrival, subject only to Articles 25 and 27 above and Article 29 below. Particulars of members’ guests must be recorded by the introducing members in the special visitor’s book to be provided.
- The number of attendances at any society function or event for each and every participating visitor shall be limited to two in any one financial year.
- The general committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the constitution and of the by-laws and regulations made thereunder. The decision of the general committee upon any question of interpretation or upon any matter affecting the Society and not provided for by the constitution or by the by-laws and regulations shall be final and binding upon the members.
- The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of members present at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary Meeting of the Society called for that purpose.
- In the event of the Society being wound up an extraordinary general meeting shall be called to determine the arrangements for the disposal of any assets remaining after the discharge of all debts and liabilities.